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serve well-known client and server config

Charles Hall requested to merge charles/well-known into main

This way users can have a simpler time configuring this stuff and we can worry about the spec compliance parts and specifying the same thing over and over parts.

New configuration options

Naming rationale


Delegate requests to an alternate domain:

server_name = ""

client.authority = ""
server.authority = ""

Same as before but also make federation go over 443 instead of 8448:

server_name = ""

client.authority = ""
server.authority = ""

The following can be done for local development to use HTTP instead of HTTPS for the client configuration:

client.insecure = true

To enable sliding sync, you must opt in with an additional option, because this sliding sync impl is buggy:

client.advertise_buggy_sliding_sync = true
Edited by Charles Hall

Merge request reports